The Writers Torment

The Writers Torment

This would be more for the writers and authors out there. Really though, it covers anyone who has a passion for what they do. You start out writing for yourself at an early age, at least I did, the reasons are as different as writer are. What seems to be the constant, you love doing it. I bet we can all remember the feeling you had the first time you allowed someone to read something you had written. Someone who wasn’t a good friend or family. Probably the same feeling you have now when you publish a book or submit something for publication. First excitement, then self-doubt, followed by fear of humiliating yourself. It doesn’t matter what the outcome was or will be in the future. Not everyone will like “your voice” or your genre. What mattered then and matters today is this. You love to do what you do, you sat down with nothing but an idea in your head, and you toiled day after day until you finished. I think we all sometimes forget that to take an obscure idea, put into words, and complete a book or short story is an accomplishment to be proud of. That’s my inspirational thought for the day .

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