Nose to the grindstone…

Nose to the grindstone…

Nose to the grindstone…

In January I had a plan and a schedule. In my life, plans and schedules are fluid, living organisms with their own minds. Six months in I find myself five W.I.P. behind where I had planned to be. Not going to try and make excuses because that’s like my “quit smoking” excuses, there is and will always be something that I can hang my hat on. Mostly I think it is a “social media” addiction lol. While I am not planning to disappear from social media, I am far too nosey for that to ever happen. I do need to get back to work and catch up to where I wanted to be schedule wise. Sometime today I think I am going to make a social media schedule to limit the amount of time spent on social media. Something that allows me to be nosey and interact with everyone, PLUS leaves me the time to write and enjoy life. Writing, reading, spending quality time with my wife (who I have loved since I was 17), spending time with my pets, and more time with family and friends without a monitor or phone screen between us. So, for now, it is time to put my nose to the grindstone, focus on the task at hand, dream the impossible dream, to reach the unreachable goal, and any other cliché you can think of ?

Have a great Sunday and a better week ahead!

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