My thoughts at 3AM on a Saturday

My thoughts at 3AM on a Saturday

A lot of authors have pages and blogs where they teach how to write. I don’t because, let’s be honest, I am not a good teacher. Let’s be even more honest, there are writing groups out there and authors who do teach how to write or better your writing. All of whom have a greater knowledge of the writing craft than I do. Having said that, I do see a lot of questions from beginners and have selected a few to answer (give my opinion) this morning. These are my opinions and how I do it. That doesn’t make it correct or wrong, it just is what it is to me

1 )How do you start?
The simple answer is, sit down and write. The longer answer is, that will all depend on your process. Sometimes I get infatuated with an idea and sitting down and starting is the only way that works for me. You can create an outline, build your world and characters first.

2) How many words should I write a day?
I am goal orientated so I like to set goals. My goal is 5000 words a day. Do I get 5K a day? Sometimes, it is just a goal and not chiseled in stone. I have had days where I wrote 200 words and other days where I made it to 9K. I take what I can get as long as I sit down every day to write something.
3) How long should my chapters be?
There is no rule or standard on how long a chapter should be. If someone tells you all chapters should be X amount of words long, Run don’t walk because they are wrong. A chapter can be 1 sentence, or it can be 10K words. It will be as long as you need it to advance the story to the next step

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