Looking back on my 2016 New Year’s resolutions….

Looking back on my 2016 New Year’s resolutions….

Looking back on my 2016 New Year’s resolutions….

Quit smoking.
With the help of a wearing a patch, I am pretty much there with a few slip ups along the way.

Have a table at Walker Stalker Con – Chicago.
We had a Vendors booth at WSC – Chicago last May. Words cannot describe how much fun it was to meet people, talking, and signing books. I look forward to being there again in March!

Complete Z Chronicles Book 3 (Hybrid Z)
The plan was for Hybrid Z to be ready in time for Walker Stalker Con. Unfortunately, it wasn’t ready until September. Technically was finished in 2016.

Complete a Dystopian short story.
The short story “Quality” was finished on time and is now a bonus in the back of the Z Chronicles Set on Kindle.

Spend more time writing and less time on Facebook.
I am not going to sugar coat my answer here, I failed miserably at this one. It has of course made it on to the 2017 list.

Lose weight and develop a healthier eating style.
Again, not sugar coating…. This I would give myself a Fail too and will also make it onto the 2017 list. Item number 1 on this list doesn’t help and I have concluded that pies, cakes, and cupcakes are demons sent from hell to vex me.


How did you do on your 2016 New Year’s resolutions?


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