Indie Author Friday – Michelle Perry

Indie Author Friday – Michelle Perry

Indie Author Friday – Michelle Perry

Michelle is an author that I know fairly well. She is our second Indie Author.

What made you want to be a writer?
I have always written. Some of my earliest memories are writing stories with my cousins.

Most Indie Authors have day jobs beyond their writing. Do you, and if you do, how do you balance writing, work, and life in general?

I work nightshift as a tire inspector. I have a weird schedule. One week, I’ll work 62.5 hours and the next I’ll work 25. Most of my writing gets done on the 25 hour week.

Your story in the book A Flash of Words . What was your inspiration in writing it? I was listening to the song “Ghost Town” by Jake Owen while I was trying to think of an idea for AFOW. Instead of a lost love, my story was about a killer who sees his victim’s face everywhere.

Do you have any projects coming up that we should keep an eye out for?

dI have a handful of shorts coming out in anthologies and hope to have a full released Spring 2019. It is tentatively titled Shh — Book One of The Cold Day in Heaven series.

Do you have any advice for writers that are just starting out?
Write the story you want to write. Don’t worry about markets or what’s trending. Find a few good critique partners who will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.



Michelle Perry on Amazon



**I will also post links to Michelle’s books in the Sc Fi, Fantasy, Post Apoc, and Horror Book Club


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