Indie Author Friday – Kerry White

Indie Author Friday – Kerry White

This weeks Indie Author is Kerry White


What made you want to be a writer?
Just had the itch to write ever since grade school. I also did my own illustrated stories for about two years. Having strong encouragement in high school from two teachers really helped.

Most Indie Authors have day jobs beyond their writing. Do you, and if you do, how do you balance writing, work, and life in general?
Being retired now, it is my main work. Balance (ha) is achieved by not working too hard. And reading, lotsa reading.

In the book “Kiss My Zombie”. What was your inspiration in writing it?
I’ve only written one book length story titled “Kiss My Zombie”, as yet unpublished. I would have to say any inspiration came from the genre by way of the apocalyptic freedom the complete breakdown of civilization  entails.

Do you have any projects coming up that we should keep an eye out for?
I have two recent projects I participated in. “Foxtales 7”, just published on Amazon and another anthology probably titled “Lore and More” due out in early 2019. Both are the collective efforts of the Fox Valley Writer’s Group out of North Aurora, Illinois. I have reasonably long stories in each: one scifi/horror and the other a detective mystery involving Chicago folklore.

Do you have any advice for writers that are just starting out?
Write what you love, revise, revise, revise.

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