Indie Author Friday – Craig McDonough

Indie Author Friday – Craig McDonough

Indie Author Friday – Craig McDonough

I met Craig in a few different writers groups, a real good guy.

What made you want to be a writer?

I always had a story to tell. It just took time to develop.

Most Indie Authors have day jobs beyond their writing. Do you, and if you do, how do you balance writing, work, and life in general?

No day job. Occasional bank robberies cover costs.

In the book series “Toward the Brink”. What was your inspiration in writing it?

The inspiration for my 1st series “Toward the Brink”, came from Stephen King’s “The Stand”

Do you have any projects coming up that we should keep an eye out for?

I’m particularly excited about a new sci fi/alternative history story with the Roswell Incident as the catalyst. I’ve always found the Roswell Incident (and whatever did happen there) fascinating and has many possibilities for a great story. I can see elements of the X-Files, The Dark Skies, the old Invaders tv show, maybe even a few elements from David Icke’s theories. Consider these the well of information I’m drawing from.

Do you have any advice for writers that are just starting out?

Develop the craft 1st. The marketing 2nd. Read about the art of writing and read other books – and not just in the genre you want to write in. Old stories and new stories, good ones and bad. They all help paint a picture and you learn invaluable information from this. I believe writing is a lot like playing a musical instrument (and you have an open and agreeable mind) – you never stop learning.

Craig’s Links



**I will also post links to Craig’s books in the Sc Fi, Fantasy, Post Apoc, and Horror Book Club

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