
First 3 Indie Authors

The first three Indie Authors for Indie Author Friday will be:   December 14th – Devon C Ford December 21 – Michelle Perry December 28 – Robert Mackey

Indie Author Friday

I thought about it most of the day and I believe that we are going to go with “Indie Author Friday.” I will be announcing the first 2 Authors for Indie Author Friday in a little bit. So, we will have: Motown Monday – song of the day Two for Tuesday – Songs of the…
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Updated New Release Dates

Updated New Release Dates With less than nineteen days left to 2018 (good riddance), everything that was planned to be out in 2018 has been moved back to 2019. I could make a lot of excuses, but I am not going to. Let’s just chalk it up to part laziness, part self-doubt, part learning to…
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My thoughts at 3AM on a Saturday

A lot of authors have pages and blogs where they teach how to write. I don’t because, let’s be honest, I am not a good teacher. Let’s be even more honest, there are writing groups out there and authors who do teach how to write or better your writing. All of whom have a greater…
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Happy Monday!

I hope you had a good weekend and have a great week ahead of you. I am hoping that the temps outside stay down in the 30F’s range this week. Snow and ice last week followed by mid 50F’s with rain all day Saturday turned my back yard into a lake. Not a good thing…
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Cyber Monday Announcement.

Cyber Monday Announcement. On Cyber Monday: The Kindle Z Chronicles: Surge of the Dead will be on sale for 1.99 The Kindle Hybrid Z will be on sale for 1.99 The Kindle Nefertem: The Awakening will be on sale for 1.99  

Teaser from Book of Death WIP

Teaser from Book of Death WIP “Around here? The only thing we have around these parts are rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, hawks, and the odd coyotes now and then. I don’t think any of them could bring down a grown man even if he was old.” Frank replied. “I have never even heard of coyotes attacking…
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Black Friday sale on Paperback fail

Black Friday sale on Signed Paperback fail The plan had been to offer a sale on signed paperbacks for Black Friday. Unfortunately, time got away from me and I didn’t have time to set up an online store. Without it I would have been forced to invoice using Square. Not the best of options lol.  I will…
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Seven days of being Thankful – Happy Thanksgiving

Seven days of being Thankful – Happy Thanksgiving I am thankful for my family and my wife. Over the years the family has grown, and everyone has gone their separate ways. Holidays are no longer held at just one house but spread over several houses. That’s what happens when a large family grows even larger…
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Seven days of being Thankful – Day 2 countdown

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 2 countdown I am thankful for my Mother and Aunts for always having a house full of pets. Through them I have learned the love of dogs and cats. The wonderful feeling to come home to a pet that is always glad to see you, always there when…
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