
The first draft of Hybrid Z is finished .

The first draft of Hybrid Z (Z Chronicles Book 3) is finished as of this morning. Now the fun part begins with getting it ready for the editor and then publishing. I am still aiming for it to be ready by the first week of September.  

Happy Hump Day!

Happy Hump Day everyone! Only two more days to go until the weekend!

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday! Hope it is turning out to be a good morning where you are. So far it has been beautiful, quiet and relaxing here. I love being outside before the neighborhood comes alive. So far 3 quarters of the rewrite of Hybrid Z is finished and all that is left for me to do…
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Hybrid Z Progress 7/13/16

Progress for 7/13/16 so far…….

Newest members of the family

Meet Sammy and Jasmine the newest members of the family.

Hybrid Z update 7/10

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Wasn’t too hot here where I am at and the humidity was so-so. Book 3 is coming along good and it is just under half the way to completing the first draft. #HybridZ #ZchroniclesSeries

July 4th

Had a pretty good three-day weekend celebrating the 4th of July. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as well. Just think, only a four-day week ahead of us  :). I added 4K words to Hybrid Z today.

7/3 Hybrid Z update

Earlier this week I decided on how best to get myself out of the corner I wrote myself into. Sadly, it evolved rewriting large parts to get back on track to where I want the book to end. Yesterday morning the rewrite started and this just to let you know where I am at so…
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Questions and Answer day

I was wondering if we should do a Question and Answer day? What do you think?

Friday Morning

Good morning! Sat out on the deck to write this morning and ended up playing with my puppies.  

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