
Win a free copy of one of the Z Chronicles series books!

Win a free copy of one of the Z Chronicles series books! To enter Like my Facebook page at and type Zeus or Perseus in the comments to have your name entered in the drawing. Enter until February 27, 2017  

Brian Paone Interview

Brian Paone Interview For my January Interview, I chose another friend and mentor of mine, Brain Paone. He is one of the many authors in the recently released “A Journey of Words,” published by Scout Media. Brain is a Hugo Award nominated author for his book “Yours Truly, 2095”.  He has also published “Welcome to…
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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Looking back on my 2016 New Year’s resolutions….

Looking back on my 2016 New Year’s resolutions…. Quit smoking. With the help of a wearing a patch, I am pretty much there with a few slip ups along the way. Have a table at Walker Stalker Con – Chicago. We had a Vendors booth at WSC – Chicago last May. Words cannot describe how…
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Z Chronicles Set

On #Kindle get Z Chronicles Set for $2.99 until 12/25/16. You get both Surge of the Dead & Hybrid Z for the cost of one. #amazon #Zombie

Let an Indie Author know that you enjoyed their book.

Want to let an Indie Author know that you enjoyed their book? The best way to do that is to rate their book or leave a review at or  


Looking forward to putting Z Chronicles: The Beginning out as an audiobook. I will be starting that project in January and to be honest, I am excited about it. More news on this in January…  

Alex Newton Interview

I would like you to meet a friend of mine, Alex Newton. Alex is the author of Plan and Prep: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. What made you want to be a writer? I have always been a voracious reader and wrote quite a few short stories in school.  I had tinkered with the thought of…
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C.M. Rose Interview

To help promote Indie Authors I am going to start conducting mini interviews. For my first one I chose a friend and mentor of mine, C.M. Rose. She is one of the many authors in the recently released “A Journey of Words,” published by Scout Media.   What made you want to be a writer?…
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Morning Coffee

Today I sat outside and drank my morning coffee. I know, most of you are thinking that there isn’t anything spectacular about that. I would have to say that normally I would agree with you. But when you consider that it is November 17th and the low temperature is already above the average high……. Looking…
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