
The first draft of Nefertem Book 1 is complete

The first draft of Nefertem: The Awakening is done. I will look it over a little this weekend before starting on the First draft to book 2, Nefertem: Ancient Alien on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.  

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday! I hope everyone has a great weekend planned. This morning I started my weekend off by writing a little over 5K words and saved parts of the 1st draft of Nefertem: The Awakening. That now puts book 1 at just under ¾ completed (rough draft).  

Update Nefertem book 1

Great day so far, just over 4k words ! 🙂  

Update Nefertem book 1

Once again, I decided that I did not like the first draft of a work in progress. So, I have stared Nefertem book 1 over. Today I wrote 2400 words.  

Nefertem: Book 1 Update

Nefertem: The Awakening Update Yesterday we celebrated my son’s birthday by going out to brunch then returned home for cake. I still found some time during the late afternoon to write 1029 words. Today will start a marathon to finish the first draft. Have a great Sunday everyone!  

First draft of Nefertem book 1

Looks like the first draft of Nefertem book 1 will be completed sometime on Sunday. Will put it aside for a week and begin on Nefertem book 2.  

Saturdays Plans

Saturdays Plans: Wake up and have coffee on the deck with the dogs. Quit Smoking Write Mow the lawn Write Plan book 2 Write Go to Red lobster. Saturday so far: Woke up (always a good thing) Had coffee in the garage (it is pouring outside) Had a smoke with coffee in the garage Spent…
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First Day Back

Happy Monday! First day back in the office and I am not sure what car I want to drive. Take the “work car” or the “fun car”? Now that I am done with the finger surgeries I guess there is plenty of time left for the “fun Car” before winter. 1K written on Nefertem: Book…
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Nefertem: Book 1 Update

Yesterday was a good day, 4K words on book 1.

Nefertem: The Awakening

The new book Nefertem: The Awakening, has ground to a snail’s pace. The last (and final) hand surgery, along with daily work life, is taking a toll. As much as I would like to blame everything on both of those things alone, I really can’t. The final book in the Z Chronicles series keeps worming…
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