Category: Rambling on

Good job Malorie, keep saving them and helping find forever homes!

I don’t say much here about family members and friends, well not very much or very often. I would like to say just how proud I am of my niece Mallorie. Due to the loss of their family’s yellow lab and taking in a rescue pup a few months later. I think Malorie has found…
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Happy National Weatherperson’s day!

Happy National Weatherperson’s day! Who is your favorite Weatherperson?

Time to get back to work.

The new year is already into February and so far, I have not advanced on any of my writing projects. Looks like it is time to get back on track and put words on the page. A few projects that I started last year will be put on the back burner and more time will…
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Looking back on my 2016 New Year’s resolutions….

Looking back on my 2016 New Year’s resolutions…. Quit smoking. With the help of a wearing a patch, I am pretty much there with a few slip ups along the way. Have a table at Walker Stalker Con – Chicago. We had a Vendors booth at WSC – Chicago last May. Words cannot describe how…
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Happy unseasonably warm Monday!

Happy unseasonably warm Monday! I hope you had a great weekend and you’re ready to get the week started. I got to spend some quality time with family at a pretty good local restaurant. Took my car out for a ride (Last year it was put up for the winter by now.) and sat out…
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2016 World Champion Chicago Cubs

Wonderful night for @cubs fans. Last night if you watched the game you saw history being made. Congratulations on a great season topped off by being the world Champions!  

Modern Day Water Cooler?

With so many remote workers out there, I wonder if the IM has replaced the watercooler for talk? For the most part the people that I talk to at work are spread out all over the country. If we talk about a new SciFi show or TWD it is usually done over IM as we…
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