Category: Rambling on

Hybrid Z available on Kindle Unlimited

Hybrid Z available on #KindleUnlimited

Sox Win 6 straight!

Sox Win 6 straight! How sweet it is that the White Sox have taken 6 straight!

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! What does everyone have planned for this weekend? It looks like 100% chance of rain here, so I am looking forward to having time to write.  

Happy Hump Day!

Happy Hump Day! Getting ready to start day three back at my day job. Many of you know my saga that I walked off my deck on New Year’s Eve without the use of stairs. You could say that my landing was not a text book landing and I broke my finger good. Imagine how…
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Sunday writing song

Happy Sunday! 57F looking to shoot up near 80F WOOO HOOO. The perfect song for the new main character in the new book I am working on! Imagine Dragons – Believer

Sam The Zombie Hunter Cat

Sam The Zombie hunting cat verifying the Dog is not a zombie.

Sam the Zombie hunter

Sam the Zombie Hunter waiting in ambush for zombies  

Go White Sox

Let’s go go #WhiteSox


Thinking someone at Walgreens recognized you from the picture on the back of your books, only to find out that they are trying to figure out the odd character on your “Just turned 50 shirt” Priceless….  

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