Category: Rambling on


Here we are five days before Christmas. Is it to early to begin thinking about New Years resolutions? Am I the only one who will need to recycle the 2017 resolutions for 2018? #Resolutions #RecycledResolutions

First Ever Newsletter went out.

Today I sent out my very first ever Newsletter for the cover reveal of Nefertem: Ancient Alien. I wish that I could say that it went out with no issues. I wish I could but alas I cannot. There is a reason I work so close with my editor, as you all know. For the…
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Holiday puppies

There comes a time during every holiday when the puppies need a time out. Here they are both acting like they are ignoring me lol.  

Things to be Thankful for – Day 4

Things to be Thankful for – Day 4 I am thankful for my awesome puppies  

A Good Day

Today I saw the largest snowflakes that I think I have ever seen. A bit of a highlight to a day that has rained since before I woke up. A pretty good day of writing though and the first draft of Nefertem; Ancient Alien is close to being finished.  

To clone or not to clone?

I think I have come to a point in Nefertem: Ancient Alien where I need to decide on a character’s existence in the book. Originally this character was planned to die in The Awakening and then be cloned in Ancient Alien. (If you have read Nefertem: The Awakening, please do not post the character or…
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Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. It is the one holiday that is about getting together and being thankful for what you have. Don’t get me wrong, I like all holidays and paid days off. For me, Thanksgivings hold the best memories of loved ones still here and ones departed. From watching…
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The weekend finally arrived

Happy Friday! I am not sure about you, but I for one am more than ready for the weekend! So far this has been a long slow week that seemed like it would never end. ? The launch of Nefertem: The Awakening went will for the Kindle version. I still need to get the paperback…
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Happy Friday Eve!

So far it has been a great Thursday! Started off with a good report from the Doctor, followed by a little over 2k written on Nefertem: Ancient Alien. Happy Friday Eve!  

Prayers for Las Vegas

My Prayers go out to the victims of Las Vegas and their families.

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