Category: Rambling on

Sad moment in a story

There is a sad moment in a story that has been a part of you since 2014, when you are building up to the death of a character. Every character good or bad becomes a part of you in a way that is hard to describe. I would guess that you could say good or…
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Nose to the grindstone…

Nose to the grindstone… In January I had a plan and a schedule. In my life, plans and schedules are fluid, living organisms with their own minds. Six months in I find myself five W.I.P. behind where I had planned to be. Not going to try and make excuses because that’s like my “quit smoking”…
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Happy Friday! Geno has struck again, and it is 3AM. This time he was kind enough to make sure the wife is up as well. What do you do at 3AM on a Friday morning when you’re up an hour and a half early? Write of course, take it when you can get it right?…
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Questions I struggle with.

First, let me just say that unless I know you well, I am not the best at conversations. Sure, if I know you, I can talk you ear off about anything that pops up. If I don’t know you well, I can talk but it is a struggle sometimes. I am never sure what to…
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Happy Saturday Morning!

The dogs and I have been up since around 3:30, thanks to Geno (Perseus) deciding that he needs to go out at that time instead of his normal 4am. This seems to be a trend that is here to stay sadly. I know what you’re thinking, just ignore him until you’re ready to get up.…
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Thank you

Thank you for all the Birthday wishes, I had a great day! The weekend is over, and I am another year older lol. Seems like it is time for me to get busy working on the next book.  

On May 13th, 1966

On this date in 1966: Author A.L. White was born The Rolling Stones released “Paint it Black”

On May 12th, 1966

On this date in 1966: Pink Floyd stages the first-ever quadraphonic rock concert at Queen Elizabeth Hall.  

On May 11th 1966

On this date in 1966: The number 1 hit song was Monday, Monday by the Mamas & Papas  

Words on paper!

Finally, this morning I put words down on paper. Sometimes it is hard to believe how many ideas will bounce around in your head and each demand to be THE idea you go with.  Don’t get me wrong, it is a lot better than sitting down staring at your monitor and pulling up a blank.…
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