Category: Rambling on

Black Friday sale on Paperback fail

Black Friday sale on Signed Paperback fail The plan had been to offer a sale on signed paperbacks for Black Friday. Unfortunately, time got away from me and I didn’t have time to set up an online store. Without it I would have been forced to invoice using Square. Not the best of options lol.  I will…
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Seven days of being Thankful – Happy Thanksgiving

Seven days of being Thankful – Happy Thanksgiving I am thankful for my family and my wife. Over the years the family has grown, and everyone has gone their separate ways. Holidays are no longer held at just one house but spread over several houses. That’s what happens when a large family grows even larger…
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Seven days of being Thankful – Day 4 countdown

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 4 countdown I am thankful for social media allowing me to connect with old friends from school. Years pass by and you remember people but forget just how special they all were. Through social media I have been taken at times on a trip back through time. Caught…
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Seven days of being Thankful – Day 5 countdown

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 5 countdown I am thankful for all the wonderful authors that I have met. Especially the few that I barrage with questions in PM’s and emails. You know who you are . I am also thankful for meeting a great editor who has been wonderful to work with…
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Favorite Thanksgiving food.

Favorite Thanksgiving food. Let’s talk Thanksgiving for a few minutes. More importantly, let’s talk about what your favorite Thanksgiving dish is. Besides turkey, what is the one absolute must have dish for you on Thanksgiving? For me that isn’t an easy question to answer. I pretty much love everything we have, and it is the…
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Seven days of being Thankful – Day 6 countdown

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 6 countdown I am thankful for my love of writing and every single reader I have. Both bring me more joy than I could ever put into words. Inviting everyone for a trip into my imagination and never knowing where it will take us, priceless . The best…
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Seven days of being Thankful – Day 7 countdown

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 7 countdown I am thankful for my day job working in IT. I work for a great company, have a decent and fair boss, and work with a great team of IT professionals from around the country. Some people dread going to work, I look forward to each…
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Z4 moving forward again!

Thanks to my wonderful dogs, this morning like many before started before 4am. What do you do when you are up that early? Get back to the unfinished manuscript begging to get out of your head lol. Normally, I don’t like to go back and read what has been written so far. For one thing,…
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1st Halloween Movie

This post was going to be called 31 days of Halloween. As you can see today is the 6th of October, so that is out for now lol. Most of you know that I have been recovering from a surgery and have way too much time on my hands. Sorry to say that there has…
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Five Days

Most, if not all of us, work day jobs (or night jobs), and have more than our fair share of chores to do around the house. I am no different than anyone else in that respect. I work IT during the day and have my assigned jobs from the boss here at home. I say…
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