Category: Indie Authors

First 3 Indie Authors

The first three Indie Authors for Indie Author Friday will be:   December 14th – Devon C Ford December 21 – Michelle Perry December 28 – Robert Mackey

Indie Author Friday

I thought about it most of the day and I believe that we are going to go with “Indie Author Friday.” I will be announcing the first 2 Authors for Indie Author Friday in a little bit. So, we will have: Motown Monday – song of the day Two for Tuesday – Songs of the…
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Bonus Self interview

Bonus self interview. What made you want to be a writer? My inspiration in the beginning came from my Aunt Deb. She wrote shot stories, songs and probably had a few longer works in progress. She was the key to unlocking my overly active imagination. No matter how bad whatever it was that I had…
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March Author Interview W.J. Watt

I would like you to meet a friend of mine, W.J. Watt. W.J. is the author of Highland Hunger: Call to Arms     What made you want to be a writer? From a young age I wrote stories, mostly junk but my old teacher really encouraged us in our two room school, she was…
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Christopher Broom Interview

For my February Interview, I chose another friend and mentor of mine, Christopher Broom. He is one of the many authors in the recently released “A Journey of Words,” published by Scout Media. Christopher is an Award-winning author.   What made you want to be a writer? That’s a good question. I suppose we should…
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Brian Paone Interview

Brian Paone Interview For my January Interview, I chose another friend and mentor of mine, Brain Paone. He is one of the many authors in the recently released “A Journey of Words,” published by Scout Media. Brain is a Hugo Award nominated author for his book “Yours Truly, 2095”.  He has also published “Welcome to…
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Alex Newton Interview

I would like you to meet a friend of mine, Alex Newton. Alex is the author of Plan and Prep: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. What made you want to be a writer? I have always been a voracious reader and wrote quite a few short stories in school.  I had tinkered with the thought of…
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C.M. Rose Interview

To help promote Indie Authors I am going to start conducting mini interviews. For my first one I chose a friend and mentor of mine, C.M. Rose. She is one of the many authors in the recently released “A Journey of Words,” published by Scout Media.   What made you want to be a writer?…
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