Category: Indie Authors

Indie Author Friday – Vicki B. Williamson

What made you want to be a writer? Originally, I didn’t know I wanted to be an author. I was messing around with writing with a friend who was taking a writing class—doing prompts, etc.—and I began a short story which ended up becoming my first novel. I didn’t know I could write a novel…
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Indie Author Friday – Kerry White

This weeks Indie Author is Kerry White   What made you want to be a writer? Just had the itch to write ever since grade school. I also did my own illustrated stories for about two years. Having strong encouragement in high school from two teachers really helped. Most Indie Authors have day jobs beyond…
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Indie Author Friday – DJ Cooper

This weeks Indie Author is DJ Cooper What made you want to be a writer? I’ve always loved to write and did so often. One day I sat down and started writing, soon book 1 emerged of the Dystopia Series. I didn’t start out to write a book but needed to create a story, In…
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Indie Author Friday – Craig McDonough

Indie Author Friday – Craig McDonough I met Craig in a few different writers groups, a real good guy. What made you want to be a writer? I always had a story to tell. It just took time to develop. Most Indie Authors have day jobs beyond their writing. Do you, and if you do,…
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Indie Author Friday – David Simpson

Indie Author Friday – David Simpson What made you want to be a writer? It’s always been there, that desire to tell a tale. To entertain. I’ve been writing ever since I was a kid. Short stories, comic books, making‘zines using the schools mimeograph machine. I was pretty bad with math and hard science but…
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Indie Author Friday – Robert Mackey

Indie Author Friday – Robert Mackey What made you want to be a writer? I never really wanted to be a writer. It just kind of happened…(that story is told in the response to question# 3.) Most Indie Authors have day jobs beyond their writing. Do you, and if you do, how do you balance…
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Indie Author Friday – Michelle Perry

Indie Author Friday – Michelle Perry Michelle is an author that I know fairly well. She is our second Indie Author. What made you want to be a writer? I have always written. Some of my earliest memories are writing stories with my cousins. Most Indie Authors have day jobs beyond their writing. Do you,…
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Questions for Indie Author Friday?

If you have any questions for our Indie Authors, Please add them in the comments below. Thank you

Updated Indie Author Friday

December 21 – Michelle Perry December 28 – Robert Mackey January   4 – David Simpson January  11 – Vicki Williamson

Indie Author Friday – Devon C Ford

Indie Author Friday – Devon C Ford For our first Author for Indie Author Friday, I have selected Devon C Ford! What made you want to be a writer? I fell in to it, in all honesty. I’ve always had an overactive imagination and a love for sci-fi, but I’d never considered myself to be…
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