Category: Events

Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day! Thank you all for your service to our country.  

Walker Stalker Con

We had a blast at Walker Stalker Con – Chicago this past Memorial Day weekend. Met a lot of great people and saw some really cool vendors that I wish I would have had the time to walk around and check out. On behalf of Alex Newton, Sarah Kathleen and myself, thank you to everyone…
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Author Alex Newton

Alex Newton the author of Plan and Prep: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse will be at Walker Stalker Con – Chicago with me on May 28th and 29th. To find out more info about Alex check out his site at  

Walker Stalker Con – Chicago

Planning to attend WalkerStalker Con in Chicago with Alex Newton in May 2016!  Look for us in the artist alley. Come out and see us there!  #zombie

Possible upcoming Event – May 2016

Currently I am working on being able to take part in a Memorial Day weekend event as an Artist. I am hoping that being an author would qualify me as an artist. We should know soon, the application has been sent and I am just waiting for a reply. This would actually be my first…
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