Category: Book Updates

Happy Monday!

Just a short note since I haven’t posted anything in a while. I have been working on a new SciFi book (That has no name yet because I can’t decide on one J ) and a new zombie series that all of the books will be about the length of ZC book one. Of course…
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New Project

Now that Hybrid Z has been launched I am pretty excited about starting a new project. There have been a couple of ideas that I have had and now seems to be a great time to start one of them. There will be a book four in the Z Chronicles series and I will start…
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Coming in 7 days

Coming in 7 Days #Zombie #HybridZ #ZChroniclesSeries

Hybrid Z coming September 12, 2016

Hybrid Z Coming September 12, 2016 #Zchroniclesseries #HybridZ

Coming Soon

Coming Soon…..

Happy Monday!

Good Morning on a beautiful Monday here. Still working on Edits and revisions for Z Chronicles: Hybrid Z and a September release. Hope you have a great week!  

The first draft of Hybrid Z is finished .

The first draft of Hybrid Z (Z Chronicles Book 3) is finished as of this morning. Now the fun part begins with getting it ready for the editor and then publishing. I am still aiming for it to be ready by the first week of September.  

Hybrid Z Progress 7/13/16

Progress for 7/13/16 so far…….

Hybrid Z update 7/10

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Wasn’t too hot here where I am at and the humidity was so-so. Book 3 is coming along good and it is just under half the way to completing the first draft. #HybridZ #ZchroniclesSeries

July 4th

Had a pretty good three-day weekend celebrating the 4th of July. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as well. Just think, only a four-day week ahead of us  :). I added 4K words to Hybrid Z today.

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