Category: Book Updates

Nefertem: Book 1 Update

Nefertem: The Awakening Update Yesterday we celebrated my son’s birthday by going out to brunch then returned home for cake. I still found some time during the late afternoon to write 1029 words. Today will start a marathon to finish the first draft. Have a great Sunday everyone!  

First draft of Nefertem book 1

Looks like the first draft of Nefertem book 1 will be completed sometime on Sunday. Will put it aside for a week and begin on Nefertem book 2.  

Nefertem: Book 1 Update

Yesterday was a good day, 4K words on book 1.

Nefertem: The Awakening

The new book Nefertem: The Awakening, has ground to a snail’s pace. The last (and final) hand surgery, along with daily work life, is taking a toll. As much as I would like to blame everything on both of those things alone, I really can’t. The final book in the Z Chronicles series keeps worming…
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Nefertem: The Awakening

The rough draft of Nefertem: The Awakening is at the half way point It will be the first book in a three-book Nefertem series called the Nefertem series. If all goes well and I can figure out how to use my Dragon software, I am planning on publishing Late September/Early October.

My new SyFy novel

My new SyFy novel I wasn’t very happy with where the new book was heading. I had the story all worked out in my head, made a small outline, and then sat down to write. Everything went well up until around the 25K words. Then I noticed that I was no longer following the story…
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Untitled Sci-Fi WIP

Not a bad start on my first day writing my new Sci-Fi book, one handed lol. The goal was for 5000 words today and I still might make that with a little luck.


Looking forward to putting Z Chronicles: The Beginning out as an audiobook. I will be starting that project in January and to be honest, I am excited about it. More news on this in January…  

Good morning writing!

Finally, a good morning writing! After days of starting, deleting and starting over the words started to flow this morning. I must tell you it is a good feeling when this happens. Even better that it happened on a Friday. Have a great Friday and a better weekend.  

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