Category: Book Updates

Z Chronicles: The Beginning

All of civilization is drawing its last breaths as the grip of the zombie apocalypse tightens on the world. In the last days of government efforts to stem the spreading plague, Lori’s parents are taken away when found to be infected—leaving her to look out for her two younger siblings, Jay and Virginia. Barely an…
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Z Chronicles: The Beginning relaunch date

We have a date! The re-edited version of Z Chronicles: The Beginning will be relaunched on Tuesday October 17. I am planning a few things for the launch, so stay tuned for more news. #ZChroniclesTheBeginning  

Happy Hump Day!

Last weekend I thought I would be announcing the relaunch date of Z Chronicles: The Beginning. I also thought there would be news on the launch date of Nefertem: The Awakening . There are a few things that need to come together on both before either one can happen. Unfortunately, a large portion of what…
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Nefertem: The Awakening 2nd draft complete

Nefertem: The Awakening 2nd draft complete. Sent off to the editor this morning!

Z Chronicles: The Beginning

I should be getting the re-edited copy of Z Chronicles: The Beginning back this weekend or early next week. The updated cover is set and I hope to relaunch early October (more on that later). Revisiting my first book has given me a great idea for book 4! If all goes as planned with the…
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Nefertem: Ancient Alien

Nefertem: Ancient Alien With the first draft of Nefertem: The Awakening completed, Work on Nefertem: Ancient Alien is going well.  

The first draft of Nefertem Book 1 is complete

The first draft of Nefertem: The Awakening is done. I will look it over a little this weekend before starting on the First draft to book 2, Nefertem: Ancient Alien on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.  

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday! I hope everyone has a great weekend planned. This morning I started my weekend off by writing a little over 5K words and saved parts of the 1st draft of Nefertem: The Awakening. That now puts book 1 at just under ¾ completed (rough draft).  

Update Nefertem book 1

Great day so far, just over 4k words ! 🙂  

Update Nefertem book 1

Once again, I decided that I did not like the first draft of a work in progress. So, I have stared Nefertem book 1 over. Today I wrote 2400 words.  

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