Category: Book Updates

Book update

Z Chronicles book 4 and the Sci-Fi work in progress have slowed to a snail’s pace. Early summer yard work and changes at my day job have taken a toll on my writing time. Not a good excuse but the only one I have ?. Hoping that a nice three-day weekend will set everything back…
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Sudden turn in Z 4

Z 4 took a sudden turn yesterday. If you know me or have followed me and my writing, then you know that I have a nasty habit of reading over my work in progress and deleting large sections. Driving home yesterday, I thought up a completely new direction for Lori and Walter. Up until that…
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Early Sunday Morning

Up early on a Sunday Morning working on Nefertem: Ancient Alien. Not to sound like a whiner but it gets more difficult with the Holidays coming up. Hoping to have the new final draft completed sometime this week.  

Nefertem: The Awakening Paperback

Finally approved the paperback for Nefertem: The Awakening! So excited!

Book update

The first draft is finished for Nefertem: Ancient Alien but there are a few things that I don’t like. I am going to push the launch date back until December 12th. I would love to do it sooner, but I don’t want to rush things. The plan will still be to do Nefertem: book 3…
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Book 2 Ancient Alien update

I am going to push the launch of Nefertem: Ancient Alien back to December 12th. Being sick for a week through my schedule off and I like to give my editor as much time as possible. The plan now would be to launch Ancient Alien first, then follow up with Nefertem book 3 at the…
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Nefertem: Ancient Alien

Nefertem: Ancient Alien Time to sit down and complete Nefertem: Ancient Alien and have the cover reveal in a few weeks.

6 days to go

6 days to go…..

Nefertem: The Awakening Kindle release 10/24/17

Nefertem: The Awakening Kindle release Date 10/24/17!

Nefertem: The Awakening release date

As it stands now, I am looking to launch Nefertem: The Awakening on 10/17/17 or on 10/24/17. A lot of things will go into the decision on the final date. I am relaunching the improved Z Chronicles: The Beginning on 10/17/17. Not 100% sure of doing them both on the same date. More to follow.

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