Category: Book Updates

What’s Next?

Here I am at the end of 2018 working feverishly to complete my 2018 New Year’s Resolutions. If that doesn’t make me the poster child for procrastination, pretty sure I am in the top ten to win this award if there is one. Book of Death – (Horror/Sci-Fi?) At Editing and Cover design, will need…
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Update – Lost Colony

The first draft of “Lost Colony”, is finished, I will set it aside until the weekend and start the second draft. I am hoping to release late January or early February. That will depend on editing having open time and having a cover.  

Update – Book of Death

My novella, “Book of Death”, is at my wonderful editor and the cover is being worked and reworked by my wonderful wife. Two women that hold control of my writing future in the palms of their hands and thank you to both! I am hoping to release in January if all the stars align, the creek…
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Horror Novella is completed

My novella “Book of Death” or “Blood Pact” is complete and currently at my wonderful Editor. I guess it is time to decide on what exactly the name is going to be. Looking to release in January.  

Cover Reveals

Will be getting news on the covers for Blood Pact, Lost Colony, Nefertem: Ancient Alien, and Z4 this weekend. Stoked to see them, cover reveals to be announced later.  

Teaser from Book of Death WIP

Teaser from Book of Death WIP “Around here? The only thing we have around these parts are rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, hawks, and the odd coyotes now and then. I don’t think any of them could bring down a grown man even if he was old.” Frank replied. “I have never even heard of coyotes attacking…
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Writing Update

Writing Update: Work on my “works in progress” has been slow going. Finally started feeling better from my surgery, got that going for me ?. Started the next step to becoming 100% better and to be honest with you, felt like I had fought fifteen rounds with Mike Tyson in his prime. I believe in…
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Z4 moving forward again!

Thanks to my wonderful dogs, this morning like many before started before 4am. What do you do when you are up that early? Get back to the unfinished manuscript begging to get out of your head lol. Normally, I don’t like to go back and read what has been written so far. For one thing,…
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Sad moment in a story

There is a sad moment in a story that has been a part of you since 2014, when you are building up to the death of a character. Every character good or bad becomes a part of you in a way that is hard to describe. I would guess that you could say good or…
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The trouble with plans…

Planned on sitting down to write this morning between 4 or 5am. Didn’t wake up until nearly 6 o’clock and then for some reason didn’t get started writing until after 11. I could give you all my excuses, but they don’t even sound good to me. I did get started and so far, things are…
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