Case of the missing Fitbit
About a year ago we brought home Ashley (Ninja Kitty) from our local Humane Society. From the first day she was different than any other kitty brought into our mini zoo. Usually, a new kitten or cat stays hidden or in one room until they are comfortable moving around the house. Add to that, two large dogs and a fully-grown male cat, it takes a bit of patience. Not Ninja kitty, she declared herself Queen of the all she saw the second the door on the carrier opened. She was more than generous with free lessons on claws for Roxy. Who learned that sticking her point collie snout where it wasn’t invited. Followed Sam the Zombie hunter around like a bloodhound that had picked up a scent. Completely ignored Geno, she wasn’t crazy after all and didn’t plan on taking on anything as large as him.
Along with being the Queen of all she surveyed came some downsides. One being that while being a stealthy ninja, she is also a thief. Usually taking something from another room in the house and depositing them on our bedroom floor. Jewelry, pens, hairbrushes, combs, full loaves of bread, bananas, dog toys/bones, or anything else that caught her eye during the night. Cats being smart, Ninja Kitty soon learned that displaying her treasures on the bedroom floor led to losing her hoard. So, then she started hiding them. (picture the Roomba stuck beneath the sofa in the living room on a pack of hamburger buns!) Which brings us to my wife’s Fitbit… My wife took it off and left it on the vanity while taking a shower before bed. Usually when we head to bed for the night there is a traffic jam going upstairs and, in the hallway, if you get behind the dogs and cats. Ninja Kitty was last seen that night in the master bath and the Fitbit has not been seen since. I have been sadly tasked with finding it, today begins my quest ?.