Awards, Great Reviews, and all that nice stuff.

Awards, Great Reviews, and all that nice stuff.

Awards, Great Reviews, and all that nice stuff.

I will be the first to say that awards and great reviews are always welcome. Having someone nominate your book must be an awesome feeling. Recently. You know what else is a great feeling? Knowing that two kids above the age of thirteen read your books and did a book report for school on one. I don’t know how one of the book reports came back. The other I was told, got a good grade but was told it was not proper content to read for a school book report. That could be, those books are what I call “zombie lite” and if giving copies to anyone under a certain age, I always talk to their parents first.

Still, I am for getting kids and teenagers into reading, so I feel pretty darn good that two have read the entire series.

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