Author: A.L. White

Z Chronicles book 4

I had a dream Saturday night with Virginia, Zeus, and Perseus in it. I took that as a sign that it was time to start Z Chronicles book 4. I Put 5000 words down on paper and a good start to the book on Sunday. Looks like it is supposed to be sunny and warm…
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What have I been up to?

I haven’t really posted much lately so just a note to let you know what is going on. I have been working on being a healthier me and learning that fruit makes just as good a snack as chips and dip. Here is my first day having an apple instead of something else. Wife: How…
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Happy Monday

Happy Monday! Only seven weeks left until WSC – Chicago! Do you have your tickets? High of 59F today with rain, not too bad for February in Chicagoland at all. I could do without the rain, but it isn’t snow or ice (yet) so I am not complaining. Have a great week!


Who is planning to go to Walker Stalker Con this year?

Break is over

Break is over, time to make the donuts again. Everything seems to be settling down a bit in life around me and I am finding more time to write.

Taking a break

Taking a break to recharge for a while. This will of course push my new books back a bit. I think everyone needs to take some time for themselves now and then. This will be my time to recharge like I said and quit smoking. See you soon!

Warm up?

According to my weather app it is supposed to warm up to 32F on Sunday and Monday. Pretty sad when reaching freezing feels like a warm up. At the very least I can say that I am from someplace that this is normal. Unlike everyone in the Southeast getting nailed by cold and snow. My…
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The holiday is over

The holiday is over, time to get busy and stop making excuses.  No more excuses for not putting in a decent day of writing. #GetBackToWork #amwriting

Sci Fi, Fantasy, Post Apoc, and Horror Book Club.

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope we all have a great 2018 with success in everything we do. I have been kicking around an idea for a while now and flip flopping on it daily. So, this morning as part of my resolutions, I went ahead and did it. I started a group called…
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Quality By A.L. White

I am not sure if this was ever posted, so here goes. Quality is a dystopian short story born while having to make a hard choice at the Vets office. A hard choice that many of us have had to make when a pet that has become part of the family has reached a point…
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