Author: A.L. White

Z4 moving forward again!

Thanks to my wonderful dogs, this morning like many before started before 4am. What do you do when you are up that early? Get back to the unfinished manuscript begging to get out of your head lol. Normally, I don’t like to go back and read what has been written so far. For one thing,…
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1st Halloween Movie

This post was going to be called 31 days of Halloween. As you can see today is the 6th of October, so that is out for now lol. Most of you know that I have been recovering from a surgery and have way too much time on my hands. Sorry to say that there has…
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Five Days

Most, if not all of us, work day jobs (or night jobs), and have more than our fair share of chores to do around the house. I am no different than anyone else in that respect. I work IT during the day and have my assigned jobs from the boss here at home. I say…
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Sad moment in a story

There is a sad moment in a story that has been a part of you since 2014, when you are building up to the death of a character. Every character good or bad becomes a part of you in a way that is hard to describe. I would guess that you could say good or…
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The trouble with plans…

Planned on sitting down to write this morning between 4 or 5am. Didn’t wake up until nearly 6 o’clock and then for some reason didn’t get started writing until after 11. I could give you all my excuses, but they don’t even sound good to me. I did get started and so far, things are…
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Nose to the grindstone…

Nose to the grindstone… In January I had a plan and a schedule. In my life, plans and schedules are fluid, living organisms with their own minds. Six months in I find myself five W.I.P. behind where I had planned to be. Not going to try and make excuses because that’s like my “quit smoking”…
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Happy Friday! Geno has struck again, and it is 3AM. This time he was kind enough to make sure the wife is up as well. What do you do at 3AM on a Friday morning when you’re up an hour and a half early? Write of course, take it when you can get it right?…
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Questions I struggle with.

First, let me just say that unless I know you well, I am not the best at conversations. Sure, if I know you, I can talk you ear off about anything that pops up. If I don’t know you well, I can talk but it is a struggle sometimes. I am never sure what to…
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Happy Saturday Morning!

The dogs and I have been up since around 3:30, thanks to Geno (Perseus) deciding that he needs to go out at that time instead of his normal 4am. This seems to be a trend that is here to stay sadly. I know what you’re thinking, just ignore him until you’re ready to get up.…
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Book update

Z Chronicles book 4 and the Sci-Fi work in progress have slowed to a snail’s pace. Early summer yard work and changes at my day job have taken a toll on my writing time. Not a good excuse but the only one I have ?. Hoping that a nice three-day weekend will set everything back…
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