Author: A.L. White

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 3 countdown

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 3 countdown I am thankful for the entire medical profession. All the Doctors, Nurses, EMT’s, Imaging, and Lab Techs have been wonderful throughout my current and past medical issues. It is great to be talked to as a person, more importantly to be listened to as a person.…
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Seven days of being Thankful – Day 4 countdown

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 4 countdown I am thankful for social media allowing me to connect with old friends from school. Years pass by and you remember people but forget just how special they all were. Through social media I have been taken at times on a trip back through time. Caught…
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Black Friday Announcement

Black Friday Announcement. On Black Friday: The Kindle Z Chronicles: Surge of the Dead will be on sale for .99 The Kindle Hybrid Z will be on sale for .99 The Kindle Nefertem: The Awakening will be on sale for .99 Thinking about a sale on signed books, look for the announcement this week!

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 5 countdown

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 5 countdown I am thankful for all the wonderful authors that I have met. Especially the few that I barrage with questions in PM’s and emails. You know who you are . I am also thankful for meeting a great editor who has been wonderful to work with…
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Favorite Thanksgiving food.

Favorite Thanksgiving food. Let’s talk Thanksgiving for a few minutes. More importantly, let’s talk about what your favorite Thanksgiving dish is. Besides turkey, what is the one absolute must have dish for you on Thanksgiving? For me that isn’t an easy question to answer. I pretty much love everything we have, and it is the…
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Seven days of being Thankful – Day 6 countdown

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 6 countdown I am thankful for my love of writing and every single reader I have. Both bring me more joy than I could ever put into words. Inviting everyone for a trip into my imagination and never knowing where it will take us, priceless . The best…
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Seven days of being Thankful – Day 7 countdown

Seven days of being Thankful – Day 7 countdown I am thankful for my day job working in IT. I work for a great company, have a decent and fair boss, and work with a great team of IT professionals from around the country. Some people dread going to work, I look forward to each…
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Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals Planning some good deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday on my books. Look for an announcement on Monday, November 19th!  

Writing Update

Writing Update: Work on my “works in progress” has been slow going. Finally started feeling better from my surgery, got that going for me ?. Started the next step to becoming 100% better and to be honest with you, felt like I had fought fifteen rounds with Mike Tyson in his prime. I believe in…
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Zeus and Perseus

In the beginning, Zeus and Perseus were to be minor characters. When Old Bob came along just in the nick of time to find Lori and Virginia losing a battle with a herd of zombies. It was Zeus that led the charge to stand by Virginia’s side followed by a Perseus as Old Bob blasted…
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