Author: A.L. White

Walker Stalker Con

We had a blast at Walker Stalker Con – Chicago this past Memorial Day weekend. Met a lot of great people and saw some really cool vendors that I wish I would have had the time to walk around and check out. On behalf of Alex Newton, Sarah Kathleen and myself, thank you to everyone…
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Author Alex Newton

Alex Newton the author of Plan and Prep: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse will be at Walker Stalker Con – Chicago with me on May 28th and 29th. To find out more info about Alex check out his site at  

Short Stories

Working on two short stories while working on Book 3. One is currently at the editor and I am hoping to get it published in the future. The second one is in progress with no finish date in sight while completing book 3.  

First Draft of book 3

If all goes well, I hope to have the first draft to book three finished by the end of next week. Had a few minor changes that I made to the beginning last week and everything is going smooth now.  

Book 3 Progress

Book 3 is coming along well so far. It is still my plans to have it published before May 2016 if all goes well. Unfortunately, the dog that Zeus is based on past away in his sleep at the age of thirteen. He was a great dog and an even better friend. I will miss…
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Excerpt – Z Chronicles: Surge of the Dead

Tears began to trickle down his cheeks and Charlie looked into Doc’s eyes looking for a reprieve or a way out. This time his old friend had no such trick up his sleeves. “Would you put Bess in a place like that, Doc?” Charlie asked. Doc looked down to the ground, “I had to shoot…
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Walker Stalker Con – Chicago

Planning to attend WalkerStalker Con in Chicago with Alex Newton in May 2016!  Look for us in the artist alley. Come out and see us there!  #zombie

Excerpt form Z Chronicles: Surge of the Dead

Virginia put an arrow into the crossbow and spun towards Perseus, busy tearing the throat out of the zombie. She called him to her side and backed towards Zeus who was still lying on his side panting. There were too many for her to fight. Even more, Virginia thought, than there had been outside of…
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Possible upcoming Event – May 2016

Currently I am working on being able to take part in a Memorial Day weekend event as an Artist. I am hoping that being an author would qualify me as an artist. We should know soon, the application has been sent and I am just waiting for a reply. This would actually be my first…
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Z Chronicles: Book 3 WIP

So far book 3 has been going well. I am still hoping to have it out by the end of March…..

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