Author: A.L. White

July 4th

Had a pretty good three-day weekend celebrating the 4th of July. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as well. Just think, only a four-day week ahead of us  :). I added 4K words to Hybrid Z today.

7/3 Hybrid Z update

Earlier this week I decided on how best to get myself out of the corner I wrote myself into. Sadly, it evolved rewriting large parts to get back on track to where I want the book to end. Yesterday morning the rewrite started and this just to let you know where I am at so…
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Questions and Answer day

I was wondering if we should do a Question and Answer day? What do you think?

Friday Morning

Good morning! Sat out on the deck to write this morning and ended up playing with my puppies.  

Snippet from Hybrid Z

Snippet from Hybrid Z Doc leaned back into the evergreens and pulled the pack of smokes out again. “Well, I don’t think they could move tonight either so they are probably hunkered down just like we are. I can’t promise that we will find them tomorrow, Todd. I can say that I don’t think we…
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Happy Hump Day!

Happy Hump Day! Just a short note to let everyone know my progress so far this week. Well my own personal “smoke out” has not gone very well. I could give you a whole list of excuses that I have but to be honest with you, I am starting to not believe them myself. Hybrid…
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This weeks plan so far……..

This week my plans are simple. 🙂 We will see on next Sunday if both goals were achieved. Quit Smoking Complete Hybrid Z

Book 3

Just now sitting down to write for the day…….

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