Author: A.L. White

Nefertem: The Awakening

The rough draft of Nefertem: The Awakening is at the half way point It will be the first book in a three-book Nefertem series called the Nefertem series. If all goes well and I can figure out how to use my Dragon software, I am planning on publishing Late September/Early October.

The Joliet Rocket

If you know me, you know that besides Sci-Fi, Post-apocalypse, zombies, and sports cars. I love old 1940’s era trains. Today, thanks to my wife I will be riding on a train pulled by a 1940’s steam locomotive thanks to The Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society. @fortwaynerailroad. Much to my wife’s displeasure, I will not…
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Back to the Dr.

Back to the Doctor today and hoping for an end to my now five-month-old hand issues…..  

Author Birthday 2

To celebrate my birthday Z Chronicles: Surge of the Dead will be .99 from 5/13 to 5/20 on #Kindle #Goodreads #Zombie

Author Birthday

To celebrate my birthday Hybrid Z will be .99 from 5/13 to 5/20 on #Kindle #Goodreads #Zombie    

Isaac Asimov

I write for the same reason I breathe – because if I didn’t, I would die. Isaac Asimov

My new SyFy novel

My new SyFy novel I wasn’t very happy with where the new book was heading. I had the story all worked out in my head, made a small outline, and then sat down to write. Everything went well up until around the 25K words. Then I noticed that I was no longer following the story…
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May the Fourth Be With You

May the Fourth Be With You!

Hybrid Z available on Kindle Unlimited

Hybrid Z available on #KindleUnlimited

Book give away

Sign up for my newsletter between today (May 2nd) and May 20th to be entered in the drawing to win a signed copy of Hybrid Z           Sign up at:

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