Author: A.L. White

Nefertem: Book 1 Update

Nefertem: The Awakening Update Yesterday we celebrated my son’s birthday by going out to brunch then returned home for cake. I still found some time during the late afternoon to write 1029 words. Today will start a marathon to finish the first draft. Have a great Sunday everyone!  

First draft of Nefertem book 1

Looks like the first draft of Nefertem book 1 will be completed sometime on Sunday. Will put it aside for a week and begin on Nefertem book 2.  

Saturdays Plans

Saturdays Plans: Wake up and have coffee on the deck with the dogs. Quit Smoking Write Mow the lawn Write Plan book 2 Write Go to Red lobster. Saturday so far: Woke up (always a good thing) Had coffee in the garage (it is pouring outside) Had a smoke with coffee in the garage Spent…
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First Day Back

Happy Monday! First day back in the office and I am not sure what car I want to drive. Take the “work car” or the “fun car”? Now that I am done with the finger surgeries I guess there is plenty of time left for the “fun Car” before winter. 1K written on Nefertem: Book…
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Nefertem: Book 1 Update

Yesterday was a good day, 4K words on book 1.

Nefertem: The Awakening

The new book Nefertem: The Awakening, has ground to a snail’s pace. The last (and final) hand surgery, along with daily work life, is taking a toll. As much as I would like to blame everything on both of those things alone, I really can’t. The final book in the Z Chronicles series keeps worming…
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What are you reading?

Today they are forecasting our “feels like” temperature to be up around 106F. These are days that I like to stay inside and either read or write. Currently I am reading A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1) by George R.R. Martin. What are you reading?

The Bristol Renaissance Faire

How many of you have been to the Renaissance Faire? We went to the Bristol Renaissance Faire a few years ago and I am looking forward to going again this year. Specifically, I am hoping to make it there on the Steampunk Invasion weekend.  

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! The weather man says that it will be cooler and less humid today. The app on my phone says it will be 88F and muggy, I guess time will tell which one is correct ?.

Z Chronicles Trivia Questions

Happy Hump Day! Half way through the week ? For today let’s do some Z chronicles series trivia questions. What is Old Bob’s last name? What is Lori and Virginia’s last name Which dog is older, Zeus or Perseus? What city did the girls meet Charlie in?

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