Author: A.L. White

Book 2 Ancient Alien update

I am going to push the launch of Nefertem: Ancient Alien back to December 12th. Being sick for a week through my schedule off and I like to give my editor as much time as possible. The plan now would be to launch Ancient Alien first, then follow up with Nefertem book 3 at the…
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Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. It is the one holiday that is about getting together and being thankful for what you have. Don’t get me wrong, I like all holidays and paid days off. For me, Thanksgivings hold the best memories of loved ones still here and ones departed. From watching…
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Happy Hump Day

After three days of being sick, I am heading back into the office today. Of course, over the past three days Ancient Alien has been neglected. I am hoping that getting out of the house turns out to be a positive thing. Happy Hump day!  

Mark Twain

High and fine literature is wine, and mine is only water; but everybody likes water. Mark Twain

Z Chronicles: The Beginning

Last week I put both Z Chronicles: Surge of the Dead and Hybrid Z on sale to celebrate the launch of my new book Nefertem: The Awakening. This weekend I have put Z Chronicles: The Beginning on sale for free until 11/6/17 on Kindle.  

The weekend finally arrived

Happy Friday! I am not sure about you, but I for one am more than ready for the weekend! So far this has been a long slow week that seemed like it would never end. ? The launch of Nefertem: The Awakening went will for the Kindle version. I still need to get the paperback…
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Happy Friday Eve!

So far it has been a great Thursday! Started off with a good report from the Doctor, followed by a little over 2k written on Nefertem: Ancient Alien. Happy Friday Eve!  

Excerpt from Nefertem: The Awakening

Excerpt from Nefertem: The Awakening The light coming in through the hatch seemed dim to Easton. Having lived his life below the fortieth floor, he had never seen sun light directly. Every floor was designed so that at certain times of the day, sunlight would pass down through skylights on each floor. It probably worked…
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Nefertem: Ancient Alien

Nefertem: Ancient Alien Time to sit down and complete Nefertem: Ancient Alien and have the cover reveal in a few weeks.

Nefertem: The Awakening is here!

This morning Nefertem: The Awakening went live on Amazon Kindle.    

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