Favorite Thanksgiving food.

Favorite Thanksgiving food.

Favorite Thanksgiving food.

Let’s talk Thanksgiving for a few minutes. More importantly, let’s talk about what your favorite Thanksgiving dish is. Besides turkey, what is the one absolute must have dish for you on Thanksgiving? For me that isn’t an easy question to answer. I pretty much love everything we have, and it is the one time of year that I don’t get that look (most of you know the look lol) from my wife for eating too much. I am not even going to go into pies, I don’t have enough time to cover that this morning.

For me growing up it was Oyster dressing. (which is odd because I don’t like clams or oysters.) It was only made by a few members of our family back then and now only by one. Sadly, after your family grows to a certain size, you no longer get the entire family together. Because only a few of us liked it and none of the select few are at my house, I no longer get this.

So, if I had to pick something (and everything isn’t an option) I would pick candied yams or sweet potatoes (whatever you want to call them).

Comment below what your must have dish for Thanksgiving is. Doesn’t matter if it is for the U.S. Thanksgiving, Canadian Thanksgiving, or the U.K. Thanksgiving.



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