Z4 moving forward again!

Z4 moving forward again!

Thanks to my wonderful dogs, this morning like many before started before 4am. What do you do when you are up that early? Get back to the unfinished manuscript begging to get out of your head lol. Normally, I don’t like to go back and read what has been written so far. For one thing, I tend to delete and rewrite large sections usually throwing everything off written afterwards. It becomes a vicious circle causing my brain to get stuck in a loop. The second thing, I am a firm believer in the first draft is to get the story out of your head and on to paper. Once the first draft is done, go back and reorganize, save what I like and delete anything that causes me to shake my head and wonder just what I was thinking that day lol.

This morning however, I needed to see where I was at before my surgery. I have tried to sit down and write since then and came up blank. Maybe it was the anesthesia or maybe it was the knowledge and fear of the battle I have a head of me. Maybe it is because I have started two other WIP’s along with Z4. (Z Chronicles 4, Nefertem 2 and a Sci-Fi about a marooned spacecraft.) Whatever it was, it was all a bunch of excuses on why I wasn’t writing. So today I broke my own rule and went back through Z4, changed a few things around, deleted, and rewrote a few sections. My old friends Virginia, Charlie, Jermaine, Tressa, Todd, Zoe, and the Lads sprang back to life. I even paused getting bleary eyed at the death of a beloved character. So, while there will not be an October release, the final Z Chronicles book is moving forward again. Stay tuned for updates!


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