Five Days

Five Days

Most, if not all of us, work day jobs (or night jobs), and have more than our fair share of chores to do around the house. I am no different than anyone else in that respect. I work IT during the day and have my assigned jobs from the boss here at home. I say “assigned” because I don’t remember having put up a fight to get some of my chores lol. Not complaining, these are the things you work hard to get and work even harder to maintain. Like every other author, I dream of the day when I can write all day and live inside the worlds I create.

Now having said the above, I recently had the opportunity to have five days to write with no distractions. Still had to do the day job and my chores, but beyond that the world was my oyster so to speak lol. Visions of the words that would flow through my fingers onto the page left me dizzy and somewhat giddy. I imagined sitting down at my desk with the theme song from 2001: A Space odyssey playing in the back ground. (Don’t laugh, that’s what I do, imagine stuff lol.) The final book in the Z Chronicles Series would be completed and I would start a new project!

Then the abdominal pains returned with a vengeance topped by a nasty head cold that moved to my chest. A perfect storm of issues you could say. So here we are with two of the five days left. Feeling decent and hoping to make up for the lost days.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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