Happy Saturday Morning!

Happy Saturday Morning!

The dogs and I have been up since around 3:30, thanks to Geno (Perseus) deciding that he needs to go out at that time instead of his normal 4am. This seems to be a trend that is here to stay sadly. I know what you’re thinking, just ignore him until you’re ready to get up. Well that in theory works fine until a wet nose keeps poking you in the face or back. Usually joined by a pointy nosed collie, that is afraid that she is missing out on something. So, if you are anything like me, you get up, let them out, and plan your day.
I would like to say that today is going to be a day where I sit on the deck and write the day away. I would like to say that, but it doesn’t seem to be in the stars. It’s not that I am blocked or don’t have anything to write about. On the contrary, lately my head has exploded with the stories and ideas. Last year as many of you may remember, I had multiple hand surgeries. I found out that you can type one handed, especially if you are a hunt and peck typist such as myself. What you can’t do with a giant wrap on one hand is do yard work. Let’s just say that if there was an award for the worst yard on the block, we would have probably won hands down. After today I would like to think we are at the very least removed from the running to such an award if it existed.
With that completed, Virginia and Lori want their story to be told. Easton has been banging on the inside of my skull for me to let his book two out into the light, and Christina wants me to save her from the distant planet she has been trapped on and presumed dead (new single dystopian/Sci-Fi WIP.)

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