Excerpt from Hybrid Z

Excerpt from Hybrid Z

Excerpt from Hybrid Z

Lori moved forward into the lot, she could feel the tension and smell the fear around her as the crowd pushed to get away from her. Everyone moved but Zoe who stared into the people on the outside of the lot with a blank stare. For a moment Lori thought that she might be too far gone to be saved. Zoe wasn’t a young woman and had been through a lot before this happened to her. Moving up next to her, Lori placed her had on Zoe’s cheek and a tear slid down her face. A wrinkled hand worn from years of age rose up and gently came to rest on Lori’s. Eyes lost in despair and hopelessness focused on the face standing in front of her and a light seemed to go off from recognition. “Child run, get away from this unholy place of death.” Zoe uttered in a hushed tone.


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