Bonus Self interview

Bonus Self interview

Bonus self interview.

What made you want to be a writer?

My inspiration in the beginning came from my Aunt Deb. She wrote shot stories, songs and probably had a few longer works in progress. She was the key to unlocking my overly active imagination. No matter how bad whatever it was that I had typed up on an old beat up typewriter, she read it and would encourage me to keep writing. Knowing what my rough drafts look like now I can only imagine how horrifying they must have looked when I was ten or eleven.

Most Indie Authors have day jobs beyond their writing. Do you, and if you do, how do you balance writing, work, and life in general?

I work IT for an international company, so one would think that looking at a monitor beyond an eight-hour day would not be so appealing. For me writing is my escape from the world around me.

In the Z Chronicles series, what was your inspiration in writing it?

I wanted to write a zombie book that was about the characters first and the zombies second. There are places that I think I crossed the line briefly but I think if you have read them you know Virginia and Lori well.

Do you have any projects coming up that we should keep an eye out for?

I am currently working on a new zombie series and two Sci-fi books that I am really excited about. The going has been slow since I am turning into a klutz as I get older. I walked off my deck on New Year’s Eve while outside with my dogs. I guess I did a pretty good job on my finger when I crash landed on my yard. Two surgeries later and I hope I am close to putting that all behind me.

Do you have any advice for writers that are just starting out?

Like everyone else I suggest reading as much as you can and write every day. Write what you like to read and remember that no matter how good it is, not everyone will like it. Learn from bad reviews and grow, Find a good editor and trust them to help you make you baby better.


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