Indie Author Friday – DJ Cooper

Indie Author Friday – DJ Cooper

This weeks Indie Author is DJ Cooper

What made you want to be a writer? I’ve always loved to write and did so often. One day I sat down and started writing, soon book 1 emerged of the Dystopia Series. I didn’t start out to write a book but needed to create a story, In a month’s time I created the book, a few months after it’s first publication, I went back and read it. Saying to myself, “who the hell wrote this crap?” I decided then that I wanted to be a REAL writer and started on a journey that has forever changed my life. Graduating with a Bachelors in Writing and English next June, I will continue for a Master of Fine Arts, and hope to teach as well.

Most Indie Authors have day jobs beyond their writing. Do you, and if you do, how do you balance writing, work, and life in general? I do have a day (or night) job. I drive a Limo. It’s ok, most of the time. One thing it does afford me is the opportunity to write and do other things while I work. I am the queen of multi-tasking. Although, it is well known humans cannot actually multi-task, I do engage in a form of it often. This is a fun story and might inspire others

In the book Dystopia: Beginning of the End. What was your inspiration in writing it? That day I sat down to write was Sept 11th 2014 and nothing happened. That’s right, NOTHING happened. Since the fateful day back in 2001, every year we would wait for whatever some nut job decided to pull on this day because of it’s significance but this year NOTHING happened. It made me think… What if something was happening, but we just don’t know about it? The premise of the book is one where the group learns to read between the lines per se, that is to see that there is something amongst the nothing that we are being told.


Do you have any projects coming up that we should keep an eye out for? Books 5 & 6 of the Dystopia Series will emerge this year, shooting for a goal of February or March for 5 and then June for 6. Another series will see it’s debut in January as well.

Do you have any advice for writers that are just starting out? First and foremost is to write, whatever story is in your mind just write it; write every day [advise I should take myself] but write when you can. Second, get help! Don’t publish your book and go back a few months later and say to yourself “who the hell wrote this crap?” The costs associated with book publishing can be scary but there are ways to help get the services. Get together with other authors to learn from their mistakes. It has been incredibly difficult to revise that first book into a quality book and even still it has issues. I’ve learned that I have to let it go and just this past few months finalized it [good or bad] it is what it is and now I look to creating better from the start.



DJ Cooper Links

My personal site,

My Book 1 link,

The Written Apocalypse is a group that showcases authors. A Great place to hang out with other authors. Http://



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